A Big 18.5 x 8 - pneumatic tire pivots 360
providing easy movement on any surface.
Plenty of height adjustment makes hooking
up to a tractor or tow vehicle a 'one man job'.
Available for: 6" - 7" - 8" - 10" - 12" -
13" augers
Not for use on swing-hopper style augers.
updates regularly
People who have purchased the Grain Auger
Dolly say the following:
"This is a lot easier than
lifting my auger."
John from Iowa
"This is just what I was looking
for! It saves my back when I have to switch the auger to unload another
grain bin."
Lee from Nebraska
"This is a handy thing to have.
I just wheel the auger around and use the jack to lower into the unload
Mike from Illinois